Need Help?
Contact Us for Assistance
Please read all the information below before calling our office for assistance.
Our office is staffed Monday–Friday between 8:00am and 10:00am. If you are calling while we are helping another client or when we at not in the office, please leave a message:
- Speak slowly and clearly
- Spell your name for us
- Leave your telephone number
- Give us your address and zip code
- Give us a brief description of your situation and your need e.g., food, rent/mortgage, utilities, medications and the approximate dollar value.
You will receive a call back during business hours that day or the next weekday morning.
Call: 239-690-6685
Our Service Area
The Saint Vincent de Paul Conference at Our Lady of Light Catholic Community provides assistance for people residing in our geographical boundaries:
- Alico Road South to Coconut Road
- Gulf of Mexico East including Estero and San Carlos Park (Excluding Fort Myers Beach)
- Support can be provided to members of Our Lady of Light parish living outside the geographical boundaries of the parish.
Our Services
Sometimes a family cannot consistently put food on the table. The Food Pantry at Our Lady of Light Conference provides both fresh and non-perishable food and household items to our neighbors in need. Food is available every two weeks.
We must verify the status of the account prior to providing help. If we can assist you, we make payments directly to the owner/agent only.
For Rental: You need to provide a copy of a bona fide lease or rental agreement that must contain the following:
- The name, address and telephone number of the landlord/agent
For Mortgage: You need to provide the following:
- The mortgage account number
- The name, address and telephone number of the owner/agent
Utilities (Electric & Water)
For help with your electric and/or water bills, please contact us AFTER your final notice, but BEFORE shutoff. We make payments directly to the utility company. Please note the following:
- We do not pay deposits for utilities
- Provide the account number and the name of the account holder
- We do not normally pay telephone bills. Rare exceptions are made for medical reasons.
Prescription Medications
If you are unable to pay for medically necessary prescriptions, we need the following information:
- Your name and birthdate
- The name of the medication
- The name, address and telephone number of the pharmacy you use
- Whether you can pick up the prescription or will need it delivered
Clothing, Furniture, Other Household Goods
The Our Lady of Light Conference of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul has implemented a voucher system to allow community members in need to shop at several thrift stores in the local area.
- Our Lady of Light Thrift Store
24600 S. Tamiami Trail
Bonita Springs, FL 34134
239-992-1576 - Saint Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
2023 Del Prado Blvd South
Cape Coral, FL 33990
Get In Touch
(239) 690-6685
Mailing Address
19680 Cypress View Drive
Fort Myers, Florida 33967